Thursday, December 10, 2009

Toys - Play Toys

toys, play toys, outdoor toys, baby toys, kids toys, action toys, learning toys, girls toys

Children who play exterior who run climb, throw, slide, ride, and swing become stronger and better all their life. Children these days have computers and cell phones and iPods and video games. Has playing outside with the likes of Little Tikes and other outdoor toys been rendered obsolete By no means in this modern age it’s more important than ever.
The Children who do not get sufficient physical action undergo from obesity and other health problems, whereas children who spend at least 90 minutes per day outside playing with outdoor toys have greatly reduced risk of heart problems in later life. Pre-school students who play with outdoor toys (whether it’s Little Tikes push toys on the grass or building with sand toys in the sandbox) exercise their large muscle groups and general dexterity. Older children practice might practice sports or ride their bike or just play tag, but the result is the same. Better health and better spirits overall, better sleep at night and better concentration in school the next day.
Outdoor play gives a child access to the natural stimulation so healthy for a sound mind. His five senses are developed by the sights and sounds and smells and taste and touch of nature. The wind on his face, the sun on his back, sand in his hands and toes, the blue sky overhead and the relaxing call of a bird order and inspire the mind of a child. A toy is an object used in play. Toys are usually associated with children and pets, but it is not unusual for adult humans and some non-domesticated animals to play with toys. Many items are manufactured to serve as toys, but goods, or (game-centric) services produced for other purposes can also be used as toys. A child may pick up a household item and 'fly' it around pretending that it is an airplane, or an animal might play with a pinecone by batting at it, biting it, chasing it, or by throwing it up in the air. Some toys are produced primarily as collector's items and are not intended to be played with.
The basis of toys is prehistoric dolls representing infants, animals, and soldiers as well as representation of tools used by adults are readily found at archaeological sites. The source of the word toy is unknown but it is believed that it was first used in the 14th centuryAdults use toys and play to form and strengthen social bonds, teach, remember and reinforce lessons from their youth, discover their identity, exercise their minds and bodies, explore relationships, practice skills, and decorate their living spaces.

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